Sabtu, 24 Desember 2016


Type of Students

This time, we will examine topic that will make you more and more to know about the type of students that you will certainly meet in college. There are some kinds of students and they have their own uniqueness.Yes they are young, so sometimes they have to show their identity, right? And now I will tell you that there are three types of students in college. What are they? These are the three types of student: Butterfly Type, Discussion & debater type, and Mysterious type.

Do you know what “Butterfly Type” means, guys? Yes, it means students who only study and then he or she goes home again.Well the students in butterfly type will have these characteristics.They will always present in the classroom, they rarely absent. But once he or she out of the classroom, he or she will immediately disappear. Their activity will only “ go to the college and get home”. Therefore don’t be suprised if he or she is not widely known by the junior, senior or by the different departments. He or she will disappear like a ninja when the class is over. So mybe he or she should gohome quickly because they have to take care of their cats in house or just because they follow their parents command not to go anywhere after class, or mybe because he or she has to go to work as soon as they finished the class. So, do you have friends who get into this type ? or you even also include in this type ? whatever, it’s not a problem because we certainly have our own choice where to bring ourselves in our daily life. So if you or your friends get into this type, it’s not wrong at all.

Well, for the next is the type of a discussion and debater student. He or she is a student who mastered many topics and understands any existing topics in the college. It may start from the topic about philosophy, politic, religion, art and perhaps the topic that you’ve never thought before. This type often stands out in the forums because he or she is used to speaking and mastering discourse. And because with this type someone who include in this type can more learn about everything. This is the good type that you can follow but you have to know guys if you include in this type you have to choice especially for the good topic that you want to discussion it or mybe you prefer to discussion about unusually topic, so it’s great because you can discuss an unusually topic that mybe the others cannot to discuss about that. And you know guys a topic in discussion can help you to improved your skill. So if you have a friend like this in the college or even if you also include in this type, you should be a debater or have a positive discussion.

And then, for the last type is the mysterious type. He or she is a student who looks like a common student who comes to the college but we don’t know what he or she does in the college, or what his or her activities are. Mybe it’s because he or she has introvert personality or perhaps he or she is difficult to get along others and mybe he or she have so many activites in out of the college so they do not have time to interact with others in the college . Mybe this type is rather difficult to recognize others. Yes, because mybe you or some of your friends are not there to hang out with the students who get into this type. But guys if you have a friend like this type don’t worry to ask him or her to talk or hang out with you. Because with like that you can have a knew friend. So it’s fun guys if you have a knew friend with a different character.

Those are the three types of students that you will probably find in your college. Being a student is fun because there are many new things that you can follow. So, when you become a student, be good student and don’t be shy to mingle with others. But also, don’t forget to study hard.

Author : Viona Larissa P./1530911006

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