Sabtu, 24 Desember 2016

Essay Tips to avoid of acne and Successful people

Author : Agnesha Agustya/3091311033

                                                                      Tips to avoid of acne

              Skin care in need of good to arise acne. One way to avoid the emergence of acne is avoid the food greasy. In addition there are many tips and the other way that you can do to your skin can be avoided of acne. To get the benefits of maximum then prevention or the treatment acne is doing the treatment from outside and inside, like that will be described in under this.
              The first to be free from a acne of course healthy lifestyle to be applied. Routine washing the face is highly recommended that the dirt, dust, and the oil may be cleaned so that the dirt can be decreased and not cause the emergence of acne on your skin.
               The second don’t let the hair stick to the skin, as far as possible that your hair is sticking on the face, because the hair usually contain oil. The oil is on the hair can be the cause of the emergence of acne on your face.
               The third avoid touched the face with your hand, because it could lead to the condition of the skin became less good. In addition to the than that, you may also often forget is already wash hands or not. If the hand in the condition doesn’t clean, a hand to channel bacteria on the skin your face.
               Using a way to be free from acne as has outlined above expected skin still awake health and brightness in addition to be avoided of the problem of acne. Often clear face and avoid the use makeup that thick. Clean up face with a very important to keep your skin in order to avoid from variety of bacteria. In addition to meet the needs of vitamin daily and sports become important factor in keeping the health of the skin and the body, so that all organs of the body can work well.


Author : Agnesha Agustya/3091 311 033

Topic                      : Successful people
Thesis statement : Successful people has 3 ways that always made them productive; They are master of time, focused and positive attitude.

               Success comes in many ways and forms. If you want to achieve your life’s dream and be wildly successful, you need to model yourself after people who are living their dream. The more qualities you have in common, the higher your chances for being wildly successful. Successful people has 3 ways that always made them productive.
                Successful people are successful because they get a lot done. Successful people are master of time. The only way to do that is by making the most out of the allotted 24 hours we all get. Extraordinary people value their time and see the direct connection between how they spend their time and their well-being. They are usually always on time and “train” those that deal with them to respect their schedule by implementing strict start and end times for meetings. Highly successful people know that there are 1.440 minutes in every day and that there is nothing more valuable than time. Money can be lost and made again, but time spent can never be reclaimed.
                 Successful people who experience success know how to concentrate. They realize that they cannot do everything and they focus on the activities that will give them the highest return on the goals they want to achieve. They don’t believe in the hype of multi-tasking and they know that the fastest way to finish your to-do is doing them one at a time.
                 Successful people has positive attitude. Extraordinary people have realistic optimism. Realistic because they take action and optimistic because no matter what the result may be, they believe their success is inevitable. They believe that like a child learning to walk, they need to take action first and then modify the action according to the feedback that they get. This positive attitude allows them to persevere and be resilient when things don’t go their way.
                 Success belongs to those who strive and keep on track. These people will become your teammates, colleagues, co-workers, professional advisor, and friends. With these combined skills and talents organization grow and become successful. That’s why successful people still productive.

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