Sabtu, 24 Desember 2016

Essay Tips to avoid of acne and Successful people

Author : Agnesha Agustya/3091311033

                                                                      Tips to avoid of acne

              Skin care in need of good to arise acne. One way to avoid the emergence of acne is avoid the food greasy. In addition there are many tips and the other way that you can do to your skin can be avoided of acne. To get the benefits of maximum then prevention or the treatment acne is doing the treatment from outside and inside, like that will be described in under this.
              The first to be free from a acne of course healthy lifestyle to be applied. Routine washing the face is highly recommended that the dirt, dust, and the oil may be cleaned so that the dirt can be decreased and not cause the emergence of acne on your skin.
               The second don’t let the hair stick to the skin, as far as possible that your hair is sticking on the face, because the hair usually contain oil. The oil is on the hair can be the cause of the emergence of acne on your face.
               The third avoid touched the face with your hand, because it could lead to the condition of the skin became less good. In addition to the than that, you may also often forget is already wash hands or not. If the hand in the condition doesn’t clean, a hand to channel bacteria on the skin your face.
               Using a way to be free from acne as has outlined above expected skin still awake health and brightness in addition to be avoided of the problem of acne. Often clear face and avoid the use makeup that thick. Clean up face with a very important to keep your skin in order to avoid from variety of bacteria. In addition to meet the needs of vitamin daily and sports become important factor in keeping the health of the skin and the body, so that all organs of the body can work well.


Author : Agnesha Agustya/3091 311 033

Topic                      : Successful people
Thesis statement : Successful people has 3 ways that always made them productive; They are master of time, focused and positive attitude.

               Success comes in many ways and forms. If you want to achieve your life’s dream and be wildly successful, you need to model yourself after people who are living their dream. The more qualities you have in common, the higher your chances for being wildly successful. Successful people has 3 ways that always made them productive.
                Successful people are successful because they get a lot done. Successful people are master of time. The only way to do that is by making the most out of the allotted 24 hours we all get. Extraordinary people value their time and see the direct connection between how they spend their time and their well-being. They are usually always on time and “train” those that deal with them to respect their schedule by implementing strict start and end times for meetings. Highly successful people know that there are 1.440 minutes in every day and that there is nothing more valuable than time. Money can be lost and made again, but time spent can never be reclaimed.
                 Successful people who experience success know how to concentrate. They realize that they cannot do everything and they focus on the activities that will give them the highest return on the goals they want to achieve. They don’t believe in the hype of multi-tasking and they know that the fastest way to finish your to-do is doing them one at a time.
                 Successful people has positive attitude. Extraordinary people have realistic optimism. Realistic because they take action and optimistic because no matter what the result may be, they believe their success is inevitable. They believe that like a child learning to walk, they need to take action first and then modify the action according to the feedback that they get. This positive attitude allows them to persevere and be resilient when things don’t go their way.
                 Success belongs to those who strive and keep on track. These people will become your teammates, colleagues, co-workers, professional advisor, and friends. With these combined skills and talents organization grow and become successful. That’s why successful people still productive.

Dede Rahman UAS

Nama                 : Dede Rahman
Nim                     : 1530911023
Program Studi   : Sastra Inggris

The bad Effects of Tv show for Children

Today, I will explain the effects of tv show for children. The tv show can be dangerous for the children if the parents are not take care what the children watched from the tv show, because most of the children in anywhere spent their time by watching television. After school, they always swift on television and watching the program in tv show not only that, the children always waiting the program and they thought good for them. So, here I will start from the bad effects of  tv show for the children. There are three kind of bad effects from tv show for the children like: lazziness, bad imagine and stupid.

Lazziness, why lazzy include the bad effects of tv show for the children? because, it was make the children bussy by their world. When the children watching television they will forget all duties like study, helping parents and then the bad effects make the children lazzy. The Lazziness will make the children forget to all people in their home like, their parents or brothers cause of the program in television. I think, it was dangerous if the children have this character because is one of bad behaviour.

Bad imagine, i think for this one the parents have to careful to their child, because the effects was dangerous. When the children watching television they will tries what they looked, such as fighting and criminal. You know? not every program in television give the positive for the children, in fact there are many program in tv show was give the wrong way and negative to the children. We know, the incident was done by the children cause of tv show, so the children made the criminalist, because the children always want to know and trying. The Criminalist can be hapened from bad control of parents, it’s and i think it’s all back to their parents as he led. I think for this effects can be impact to their character and attitude.

 Stupid, this is the last bad effects from tv show and i think it can be impact for the grew in the future. So, for this effects include to lazzy and bad imagine and made stupid. We know, from the research, there are many problem of the child are from television such as difficult to memorize and difficult to understand lesson. The impact will grew to their future, they will not have gold in the future. The children will be fantasize cause the impact of tv show, it can be bother to their selves and forget to study hard as the student and the children too. In fact, most of the children not study hard, they just looking for their happiness for a while and allowing the fashion from television and ignorance their habit, it was dangerous for our parents. So, the impact from tv show make the children stupid.
That’s all about the bad effects of tv show for the children, being the children are fantastic and amazing. There are many new thing that we find when we were child but for this era, the children are different cause of the development of era. We or you as their brother or parents have to protect and took care when your little brother or your child while watching television.

The television is not always good, with the wrong choice, the children can be wrong way and be negative effects because the children still confused to choice where the right and the wrong, it’s all depends to their parents or brother as the led.


Type of Students

This time, we will examine topic that will make you more and more to know about the type of students that you will certainly meet in college. There are some kinds of students and they have their own uniqueness.Yes they are young, so sometimes they have to show their identity, right? And now I will tell you that there are three types of students in college. What are they? These are the three types of student: Butterfly Type, Discussion & debater type, and Mysterious type.

Do you know what “Butterfly Type” means, guys? Yes, it means students who only study and then he or she goes home again.Well the students in butterfly type will have these characteristics.They will always present in the classroom, they rarely absent. But once he or she out of the classroom, he or she will immediately disappear. Their activity will only “ go to the college and get home”. Therefore don’t be suprised if he or she is not widely known by the junior, senior or by the different departments. He or she will disappear like a ninja when the class is over. So mybe he or she should gohome quickly because they have to take care of their cats in house or just because they follow their parents command not to go anywhere after class, or mybe because he or she has to go to work as soon as they finished the class. So, do you have friends who get into this type ? or you even also include in this type ? whatever, it’s not a problem because we certainly have our own choice where to bring ourselves in our daily life. So if you or your friends get into this type, it’s not wrong at all.

Well, for the next is the type of a discussion and debater student. He or she is a student who mastered many topics and understands any existing topics in the college. It may start from the topic about philosophy, politic, religion, art and perhaps the topic that you’ve never thought before. This type often stands out in the forums because he or she is used to speaking and mastering discourse. And because with this type someone who include in this type can more learn about everything. This is the good type that you can follow but you have to know guys if you include in this type you have to choice especially for the good topic that you want to discussion it or mybe you prefer to discussion about unusually topic, so it’s great because you can discuss an unusually topic that mybe the others cannot to discuss about that. And you know guys a topic in discussion can help you to improved your skill. So if you have a friend like this in the college or even if you also include in this type, you should be a debater or have a positive discussion.

And then, for the last type is the mysterious type. He or she is a student who looks like a common student who comes to the college but we don’t know what he or she does in the college, or what his or her activities are. Mybe it’s because he or she has introvert personality or perhaps he or she is difficult to get along others and mybe he or she have so many activites in out of the college so they do not have time to interact with others in the college . Mybe this type is rather difficult to recognize others. Yes, because mybe you or some of your friends are not there to hang out with the students who get into this type. But guys if you have a friend like this type don’t worry to ask him or her to talk or hang out with you. Because with like that you can have a knew friend. So it’s fun guys if you have a knew friend with a different character.

Those are the three types of students that you will probably find in your college. Being a student is fun because there are many new things that you can follow. So, when you become a student, be good student and don’t be shy to mingle with others. But also, don’t forget to study hard.

Author : Viona Larissa P./1530911006

Senin, 19 Desember 2016

Nama                     : Dede Rahman
Nim                       :  1530911023
Program Studi       :  Sastra Inggris
Semester                :  3 ( Tiga )

The Effects of Tv Show for Children
            There are many effects of Tv Show for children between negative and positive, but its all back to their parents as the led. When the children watching Tv, the parents have to led what they looked. We knew most of the children spent their time by watching television, after school,  they always swift on the television and watching the tv show not only that, the children always waiting the program and they thought good for them.
So now, we began from the good effects of tv show for children. First,  the Tv show can make the children smart. We knew there are many program in tv show that broadcast about the game show for education, i meant its can be learning  and can be smart for the children. Second, The Tv show always broadcast the succesful person, this program, broadcast about life, the people who were succes and how to got their succes and i think its  can be motivation for all children to grew and be succesful in the future.  
  We knew, there are many good effects of  tv show for children. Now we talk about bad effects of  tv show for children. First, the tv show can be dangerous if the parent don’t care what the children watched, because the children always want to know and trying. There are many bad program for children if the parents are not depends and care what the children watched.

The points is television can be negative and positive effects, so the to get good effects are parents must be care to their children. 

How to know that somebody lie

Have  you ever talk with someone than you feel he is hiding something from you ? if that is something important, of course the lie will make a big trouble.  But how to know somebody lie to you or not, if you observe and like watching a movie or drama, you know that everyone is lying when act in the movie/ drama right? There’s a good acting and there’s not. Same as a person in real life, a good liar is very difficult to identify. So how to know somebody lie to you, even a good liar I have three ways to know if somebody lie to you.
First look into his eyes when he talk, he won’t see your eyes if he act like this he is not a good liar. If he see your eyes, look at his pupil the pupil will bigger when he lie, but you must practice for this because he is a good liar. If you ask him a question his ayes will look at right because he search a reason and thinking for the next plan.
Second when he talk he will nervous because he afraid you will know he is lying, but how if he is not nervous, but your feeling he is lying to you ?when he talk the tone has the pressure, this is because the tension and telling lie. In the fact lying will make a tension in the psychological, and physical. So the tension make the tone has the pressure.
Third he always change his answer, ask him with the same question for test him. If he lying he will give different answer because a liar usually forget what he said. In the psychology someone will easy forget with something untrue or his answer when he lie.
Its easy right to know somebody lie to you ?but of course you must be practice with your self because a good liar is someone who has a good skill in acting. Maybe you have a good intuition but that’s not enough, I hope my article will be useful for you especially for interrogation  your boyfriend.

rinrin suniarti

Senin, 12 Desember 2016

Types of students 

As a college student, i find so many different types of people — i'd like to call them students, by the way — in college. Started from a lazy-late student to a nerd who is so busy with their book collection. They all exist at the same place and at the same time. No wonder college is one hell of a place where we socialize the most, as it is a place we have to adapt to certain people and be friends with them. No offence, but that's how i describe it in a sarcastic — still a nice compliment, absolutely — way.

I'm one lazy student sometimes. Studying all day long makes me feel so lazy to do a lot of things. But that doesn't change the fact that i'm still a good and clever student — which is kind of an argument to put it in the first place. Still, i'm not one of those students who is, by their desires, coming late to college, skipping class, leaving "homeworks" and being a "trouble-maker." Well … i'm not talking about how bad they are as a college student, as i don't consider myself one true dilligent student who is eager to take risks by studying hard and put my all into every subject that i'm learning. They're still a good human being (still an argument, though). They're just one type of college students i'm talking about.

I see so many nerds, too, in college. (Being a nerd is not always a bad thing, if that's what you're trying to refer.) Some of them are very social students; albeit they're kind of picky to be friends with, and some of them are quite introverts — i like to describe them as "asocial," as they're difficult to be friends with. They're one hell of a good example for a student like me, who is too lazy sometimes. Reading a book is one activity they refuse to avoid. Talking to them is like talking to a book, since they're usually very smart and open-minded at once.

I'm between those nerds and lazy-late students, though. And i find most students in college are no different. We may be dilligent at times, but we're lazy most of the time. Some of us are moved by all the tasks we have to do, while some of us are only moved when we have to pass the test. Sure, being a college student makes no different with being a high school student. We're still the same students with the same personality, just different passion and purposes — and ages, of course.

While it is very easy to generalize the types of students i find, doesn't mean i'm one thoughtful person who is able to stereotype them a certain way. Describing every student with their personality is one difficult thing to do, since i don't have much time to research every one of them by putting their personalities in a book. Still, they exist. Whether they're lazy-late, nerds, or maybe in between, they still exist. And that's what makes a college really cool — i mean, being a college student. Because we can find certain people with different personalities. We may be joined in a great and attractive conversation, or knowing them personally as a person and a student. We can find them.

Author : Rinrin suniarti8

Taking majors in college doesn't always determine students' future. Especially if a good job is their main purpose as a college student. Some students are interested to work outside the country; as chances are great, and the money they get is much bigger. There are a lot of choices for them: be a good college student who studies hard to get a good degree, try to understand several majors they're not interested in, and take a course. While it is not always easy to study by themselves, some college students are taking a risk to take a course class. They mainly take language class as it is one of the way to get a new experience — or simply say, "to get a better job."

I, myself, is one of those college students who is quite interested in taking a course class. Say, japanese or french. Those languages are oftenly spoken nowadays, since both countries are places where a great amount of people from different countries can apply jobs or are interested to continue their studies there. Also, chances are quite great for them to get there. Especially nowadays, where people can easily travel from one to another country without having to worry how much it costs.

Taking english major in college is one huge opportunity for me to continue my study to a higher level. But, it's not enough to learn one foreign language as english is the most universe language. Also, i'm not interested to study in, say, english spoken countries like the United States or Australia, where i have to compete with millions of people from different countries. That's why taking a course class is a great option i should consider. First, it is important to learn a language of the country i consider going, as it is easier to socialize with people by speaking their native language. Second, english is no longer an option for people to talk and be friends in the non-english spoken countries.

Some of my friends have told me how easy it is to take a course nowadays. Mainly because we don't have to spend a lot of money, as there are a lot of places where we are able to learn several languages at the same time without having to worry about the money we have to pay. A huge amount of people i know are taking japanese class. It's because of how easy it is to go to Japan — whether as a college student or an employee — as long as we're able to speak its mother language — there are several things they have to consider before going there, of course. But that doesn't make them any less eager to learn the language.

While i haven't taken a course yet, doesn't mean i'm too lazy to take one. I have learned several languages, like spanish (it is the most spoken language, by the way), german, korean — though basically an online dictionary is still one of my best friends to speak the languages. In a short time, i guess i'm going to follow my friends' footstep to take a course class, as i don't want to lose hope in the future by letting go all the opportunities that i have today.

By explaining how important it is to take a course class, it's better for you to take a step whether you're interested or not to take one. As it is one of the most important way before considering to go outside the country to get a job or continue your study.

Author : Rinrin suniarti

Senin, 05 Desember 2016

Televition show

When i have leisure time after work i often to start watch some funny televition show. I really like comedy so i prefer to choose variety show for the televition show that i watched. When i watched comedy it’s made me feel happy, it’s make me laugh and forget many problems that was always ruin my life. I like Korean variety show, such as Running man, wa got merried and the retrun of superman. The varieties really funny and entertaiment.

Running man is variety from Korea. This is the kind of variety that they presenter always play a game. Many interisting games they played together. There have seven presenters that aways make you can’t stop laught whenever you start to watch them. They always invited Korean actress, actors also idols to joined played a game with them.

We got merried this is the kind of variety show that showing us how some people doing after merried. They use actress, actors or idols to joined this show. This is show make fake couple for this show. They are who joined this show isn’t have real relationship each other, they are just acting like they are real couple and also got merried. This variety show also really entertaiment and really sweet whenever the couple interaction each other.

And the last one is The Retrun of Superman. This variety show talking about how hard the father doing many activities to take care of their kids. I always laugh every time i saw the kids does someting, just simply activities they are do it’s really cute for me. Like when they feed some food to their mouth or just complaning something that they are not really understand to his father or when the fall and satar to cry. They are really cuteness thing in this world. They are twins. They are Minguk, Manse and Daehan. I really like this variety show.

So, television show that i like is variety show. Because it’s make me know something new that was before i dont know. Expecially Korean variety show. Really entertaiment and like i was said before it’s made me forget about my problems. And make me relax when never i watched that variety show. When i wached that varieties it make me feel like i have a friend. 

Elsa mayora putri